This week’s episode is part 3 of a 4-part series on my pregnancy journey, birth story, postpartum, and one year of motherhood. In this episode, we’re diving into all things postpartum! I start this episode by sharing some of my favorite postpartum resources and what I prepared before the baby arrived. I share what postpartum was like for me, my postpartum essentials, what I did each week for the first month, and then how I navigated the months following, including self-care practices, bodywork, exercise, and more.
In this Episode:
- Preparing for postpartum
- The First 40 Days
- The Fourth Trimester
- Cooking soups and stew
- Fat balls
- Lactation cookies
- Muffins
- Egg bites
- Electrolytes
- We had pretty much enough food for both of us to eat without much thought for the first week
- Lots of tea, warm food and not leaving the bed for the first few days
- Postpartum essentials
- Padsicles
- Adult diapers or disposable undies
- Comfy undies and warm loose clothes
- Perri bottle
- Wet wipes
- Witch hazel or some sort of herbal spray for the perineum
- Calendula cream
- Nipple cream
- Nipple guards
- Physical discomfort
- Very weak core and not being able to stand very long
- Painful pelvic floor
- The uncomfortable phase doesn’t last forever!
- Intense hormones and waiting for milk to come in
- Getting a lactation consultant to look at the latch
- Electric pump helped milk supply
- Supplementing with a bit of formula because of dehydration and a bit of jaundice
- Baby sleeps around 20 hours per day but needs to be woken to be fed every 3 hours
- The routine of changing her and getting ready to feed her
- Midwife support
- The doctor coming to our house for the first visit
- Getting her initial bloodwork done at home
- My husband was off work for 3 weeks which was so helpful
- Consuming some raw placenta and mostly encapsulated placenta
- Took some medicine to prevent infection with the stitches and a bit of Tylenol in the first few days for the pain
- Continued prenatal vitamin and Vitamin D and started postnatal DHA
- BIG appetite in the first few days and weeks after giving birth while milk was coming in
- First week – lied horizontal, ate warm foods and stayed in bed
- Second week – started moving around the apartment more
- First trip out of the house was for her newborn photoshoot around 10 days old and then for a chiropractor adjustment at 2 weeks
- Continued adjustments for me and baby weekly since birth
- Third week – our parents arrived so I was a bit more active
- Having visitors in the 3rd and 4th week was great, but it was also a lot when we were still trying to figure things out
- Around 2-3 weeks, I started craving movement and started doing really light stretching and movement and a lot of breathwork
- Got 3 lymphatic drainage massages to help with the puffiness and excess fluid
- Purchased the Birthfit postpartum program and that has been amazing
- The first 30 days are all about resting, starting to stretch, abdominal massage and breathwork and then the program gets more intense from there. I’m still doing workouts from it!
- Around 1 month I started walking a bit more – very slowly and not very far
- Around 6 weeks, I started working with a physiotherapist to help with my pelvic floor and started doing hipopresivos
- Around 7 weeks, I got checked and my stitches had mostly healed and everything was looking good. I still didn’t really feel ready for a lot of exercise.
- Around 2 months I got a series of massages to help close my abs and heal the diastisis. Also did some belly binding.
- Around 3 months I started acupuncture to help with my healing and hormone balancing
- I lost most of the baby weight within the first 2-3 weeks but my body was still very different and around 3 months, I was starting to feel more like myself
- Around 3 months I was feeling more ready for bigger walks and starting to go back to the gym and my body felt like home again
- At 4 months I started working super part-time and by 7 months I was working up to 20 hours a week. With only 10 hours a week of childcare, it felt like too much and I need to back off a bit to only doing about 10-15 hours per week of work.
- Postpartum yoga, Mom and baby pilates, mom and baby yoga, walking regularly, gym 1-2x per week
- 11 months postpartum and I’m feeling pretty much back to how I felt pre-baby – hemorrhoids and perineum are feeling pretty much back to normal and my strength is slowly returning
- And much more… Here’s the episode!